AMA calls virtual special meeting, gathering June 11


Members of the medical community gather virtually to discuss current issues in the field, public health, and general business.

AMA calls virtual special meeting, gathering June 11

From Friday, June 11 to Wednesday, June 16, the American Medical Association (AMA)—with physicians and medical students—will hold a Special Meeting of the AMA House of Delegates.

Due to the virtual nature of the meeting, the agenda will be limited to essential business, such as officer elections, keynote addresses, and policymaking.

The AMA’s House of Delegates is a coalition of physicians, residents, and medical students from every state and medical specialty. Together, they create policies that govern American Medicine.

Throughout the meeting, delegates will discuss issues in public health, science, ethics, business, and government and how they impact the American community. Doctors, residents, and medical students throughout the country will determine the direction of the AMA and the general medical community.

Sessions at the 2021 Special Meeting include Reference Committee hearings, nominations and election of officers, reports from Rules and Credentials Committee and Resolution Committee, and the inauguration of Gerald E. Harmon, MD.

Optional sessions include CEJA, scope of practice, and litigation center.

For more information about the business agenda or sessions, visit the website. For updates, join the AMA on Facebook and LinkedIn, and join the discussion on Twitter with #AMAmtg.

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