Espansione Group announced the second wave of its major research effort for the prevention and management of dry AMD.
Espansione Group announced the second wave of its major research effort for the prevention and management of dry AMD. (Image Credit: Adobe Stock/Victor Moussa)
Having announced the European study LightWave I at ESCRS 2022 in Milan, Espansione Group has announced the second wave of its major research effort. The large-scale, global multi-center clinical trial focused on non-neovascular (dry) Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) through its patented technology Light Modulation® Low-level Light Therapy (LM® LLLT), a medical-grade photobiomodulation (PBM) technology.
LightWave II is aims to strengthen the already existing body of research around PBM in AMD management, fill the knowledge gaps of LightWave I, and move beyond Europe with an additional focus on the American and Asia-Pacific Continents.
Clinical trials conducted to date focusing on PBM in the field of retinal diseases have demonstrated better anatomical and functional outcomes for patients treated with LLLT vs. control groups. A large array of positive clinical findings, coupled with the well-known mitochondrial-based mode of action of LM® LLLT highly suggest that LLLT treatment could have a therapeutic role in dry AMD.