Have procedures and patient care increased since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout?


Dr. Mark Breazzano discusses the impact of COVID-19 on his practice and how patients are reacting.

Mark Breazzano, MD: It’s definitely highly variable patient-to-patient. I'm still finding in my practice that patients are trickling in, back from the winter time even until now, and they hadn't been seen in a year and a half, two years.

It is interesting, I think it is definitely individual-specific, in terms of wanting to come in and but I think generally, overall, patients are much more open to it, and are more comfortable with coming in and getting these elective procedures done.

At the same time, I think, you know, we were also fortunate that a lot of the elective procedures, I think were starting to open up, you know, months ago and have started trickling more and more, but at the same time, some of those restrictions that prevented it or made it a little bit more challenging, especially patients traveling far away and needing to get, you know, their COVID clearance and these other types of obstacles was kind of—has had kind of been easing up. And so I think some of that has been made it easier, especially for those that you know, are coming from substantial distances to get their treatment.

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